Moving Targets
Project by Anna Lipphart (head of research project) and Anja Joos
“Moving Targets” and Mobile Life-Worlds: The Minority of the Yeniche and the Circus in the context of regimes of mobility and residency
Funded by the Juniorprofessorenprogramm of Baden-Wuerttemberg
The research project examines the interplay of different regimes of mobility and residency (Aufenthaltsregime) on a local, national and EU-level as well as the resulting trajectories and mobile life-worlds of so-called traveler minorities and occupational travelers.
The project is designed as fundamental, exploratory research on the current prevention and the production of marginalized groups’ mobilities. It comprises two case studies - a comparative empirical study of the Yeniche minority in Germany and in Switzerland, and a policy analysis in regard to spatial politics in respect to occupational travelers and traveler minorities in Germany. The project furthermore aims to investigate the trajectories, mobile life worlds and practices of spatial appropriation from the perspective of travelers. It contributes to a systematic comparison in regard to their current situation within the European Union, as to the analysis of cross-border exchanges and interrelations.
Sub-project 1 On route in Germany. The situation of transit and permanent sites for traveler minorities and occupational travelers. (Lipphardt)
Sub-project 2 Comparative case study on the Jenish in Germany and in Switzerland. (Joos)
Prof. Dr. Margaret Greenfields (Buckinghamshire New University; Institute of Diversity Research, Inclusivity, Communities and Society) ist externe Beraterin des Projekts.